Registration and information: +37037730525 +37068554734


About us

The cozy A. Morkūno Dental Clinic, which is situated in Žaliakalnis district of Kaunas, has been operating successfully for 20 years.  Long standing traditions and experience is combined with the most advanced medical innovations.

Aesthetic restorations using composites and laminates of the highest quality, microscopic canal treatment, implants of the world's leading companies, reliable prosthetics using zirconium and metal ceramics, teeth whitening and professional oral hygiene–our experienced and attentive specialists are able to treat every patient individually.

High-quality work, flexible prices, and pleasant environment formed a significant base of our loyal patients. The work that started on K.V. Morkūnienė‘s initiativeis continued from generation to generation in order to foster human values and follow the Hippocratic Oath in good faith.
